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Past Message Summaries
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November 18, 2012 - Subject: “How Does Your Garden Grow”

Rev. Purnell Wilson
Rev. Purnell Wilson
Guest Speaker
Scripture Reading: Psalm 126 : 5 - 6; Luke 8 : 1 - 19

Lesson to Learn
Harvest time is the time that crops are harvested, they are brought in. If these crops are good crop, then they were planted in fertile soil. When we were children, we were amazed at how things grew, but as we got older, we lost the amazement. We don't realize that we still have to fertilize, cultivate, and tend to our soil. I don't mean the physical dirt but the soil of our hearts. The Holy Spirit plants the seeds in our soil, and it is up to us to make sure that our hearts have fertile soil. No matter how we may try, we can't avoid the good seeds of GOD. But in order to make sure that these seeds grow, we have to till our soil. For if we don't, weeds can grow. We are not generally bad seeds. We don't produce bad seeds. But we may do things that we shouldn't do or think things that we shouldn't think because of the seeds we let grow in our soil. So we have to be careful of what we let grow in our soil. There are many seeds that we can allow to grow. When we fellowship with others, that's a seed. When we praise and worship GOD, that's a seed. When we sing praises to HIM, that's a seed. And once it's time to harvest that seed, that's it. What we grew cannot be changed, but we can allow new seeds to be planted. We have to water and nurish our seeds. We have to take the time and allow them to grow. The main seed that we have to allow in our soil is the word of GOD. And when that seed is planted, we have to be careful where it lands. If the seed lands on the rocks, then we will only believe the word for just a little while. If the seed lands by the thorns, then the word will slowly get choked out by the pleasures of the world. But if it lands in good soil, then we will be able to bear good fruit. We will then be able to harvest it and share it with others. So let us be careful of the seeds we let grow. Let us till our soil and make sure it is fertile. And let us remember that if our seeds are deeply rooted in good soil, then we will be able to harvest good fruit at harvest time! Amen!

October 07, 2012 - Subject: “The Swimming Axehead”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 6 : 1 - 7

Lesson to Learn
Throughout our day-to-day journeys, we acquire knowledge, and we learn principles and laws about nature that seem to make sense to us. For example, we know that if we throw concrete into a river, it is going to sink to the bottom. We know that if we put iron into a river, it is not going to float. We have to remember that GOD can do anything. HE made nature. So if HE wants to bypass the laws of nature, HE will. In the scripture, the man lost his axehead in the Jordan river. He informed Elisha of the situation. Elisha cut off a branch, threw it into the Jordan, and not only did the axehead float back to the top of the Jordan, but it swam back over to them. The axehead represents humanity. The axe was made for a specific purpose. It was made to perform a specific job. Without the axehead, it was no good, as it could not perform its job. Like the axe, we are here for a specific purpose. If we have not found our purpose in life, then we are like the axehead down in the Jordan. We are useless and lost. A lost person can only sink down to the bottom. But sometimes we don't realize we are lost. It could be that we hang around other lost people. And because of this, we sink down to the bottom of the Jordan. The man in the scripture also faced another problem. Not only was his axehead in the bottom of the Jordan, but the axe he was using was borrowed. Like the borrowed axe, our souls are not our own. They are on loan to us. We are responsible for our souls if they are lost. We can't do anything about our birth, but we have the ability and responsibility to use our souls the way GOD wants them to be used before we die. Everyday won't be a good day, but we have GOD who is there to come see about us. People may say that we are one thing, but we don't have to be what people want us to be. It only matters what GOD wants us to be. And we should thank HIM for not leaving us in the bottom of the Jordan. HE went and got Jesus to help get us out. When we are not in GOD's hands, we have our limitations, but GOD is not limited. If we let GOD use us, then HE will take us far. And just as the man admitted that he lost the axehead, we have to admit when we are lost. That way, GOD can come to our rescue and save us. We have to confess it with our mouths and believe it in our hearts. We are not so bad that we can't be saved, nor are we so good that we don't need saving. We can be saved because Jesus is full of life! Amen!

September 30, 2012 - Subject: “Echos of Eden : Part III : The Redemption”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Genesis 3: 15; 22 - 24

Lesson to Learn
In our life's journey, we've all made mistakes, and as long as we live on this Earth, we will continue to make mistakes. We all sin and will sin. We are only human. We may do or say something that we shouldn't. We may not think about it, but if we think things that we shouldn't be thinking, then we are still sinning. If we think it, we might as well just say it, because it is still a sin. Well, Adam and Eve's biggest mistake was disobeying GOD and eating from the Tree of Knowledge. So they were cast out of Eden, and GOD placed angels around the garden with flaming swords so that if any man got close, they would pay the consequences. We are made in HIS image, but we do not have HIS power. When one of us hurt, the Godly thing to do is to help them, if we can. When one of us makes a mistake, instead of criticizing them, we should throw our arms around them and let them know that everything is alright. We are made in GOD's likeness. We are a spirit connected to a body, not the other way around. Our spirits can communicate with GOD. We are connected to HIM in this way. When we die, our bodies go back to the dirt, but there is something inside of us that will not die. When our souls get weary, GOD comes and sees about us. We don't have to worry because GOD will show up. With Adam and Eve, they were made in the perfect image, living in GOD's perfect creation, but it was all ruined in the fall. GOD took a stroll in the garden and looked for Adam, but Adam was ashamed, for he knew that he was naked. GOD was angry with Adam, but Adam placed the blame on Eve, who in turn placed the blame on the serpent. To punish Eve, GOD gave her pains whenever she would give birth, and the serpent was made to be despised by all other creatures. Although GOD was angry about the situation, HE still loves us to save us when we need HIM. Man cannot save us from the situations we get into. We should thank GOD because HE gives us chances after chances to redeem ourselves. When ever there is trouble, there is a redemption. There was trouble in the Garden of Eden, but we will be redeemed by a New Garden. We found trouble in the sins of Eve, but we found redemption in Mary. The Tree of Knowledge brought about trouble, but we were saved by a tree, which is the cross where our Savior hung. We got into trouble by Adam, but we were redeemed by Jesus! GOD blocked off the way to the original garden, so HE had to think of another way to get us in. The minute Jesus was stuck by the sword, His blood and water poured out. The flaming swords at the garden went out, and the doors were opened. And now Jesus is at the door, waiting for us, with His arms wide open! Amen!

September 23, 2012 - Subject: “Echos of Eden : Part II : The Fall of Man”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Genesis 3: 2, 3 & 6

Lesson to Learn
In part I of this series, we learned that GOD made the Earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars. We learned that HE made man in HIS own image, and man was given dominion over the animals of the Earth. We also learned that GOD felt Adam needed a mate. So HE put Adam to sleep, took one of his ribs, and HE created Eve. Adam and Eve fit perfectly together. They were the perfect people in the perfect place with the perfect GOD. Together, they were strong, but one day, Eve ventured out alone. That's when Satan reared his ugly head. When we are around other christians, the devil will not mess with us. But as soon as we get by ourselves, that's when he creeps in. He doesn't want anything that GOD has ordained to prosper. So he began to talk pleasantly to Eve. His words sounded good to her. When we start listening to snake talk, things are getting ready to mess up. We as humans are faced with temptations everyday. Because we are human, we often fall short. Sometimes we do things we shouldn't do, say things that we shouldn't say, or look at things we shouldn't look at. But understand that there is nothing wrong with looking at a temptation, as long as we don't look for too long. For when we look too long, we lust after it. The lust will become the sin or desire. The desire becomes a decision. If our desires do not became a decision, then we still have a chance to fight the devil. Not only do we have to watch out for Satan, we also need to watch him because he will ease in when we are not paying attention. Well, in his talks with Eve, Satan convinced her that if she and Adam ate of the Tree of Knowledge, then they would be like GOD. It sounded good to her and she did eat. Not only did she eat, but she convinced Adam to eat as well. So we have to realize that yes, we are made in GOD's image, but we are not GOD. There are no shortucts in life. With GOD, we have to go the long way. But with HIS way, we learn from our mistakes and became better christians. It may seem difficult, but we learn from the experience. The only thing that makes sense is for us to keep our hands in GOD's hands. We all go through trials, but none of us would be here if it wasn't for the grace of GOD! Amen!

September 16, 2012 - Subject: “Echos of Eden : Part I : The Creation”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Genesis 1 : 26 - 28; Genesis 3 : 1 - 8

Lesson to Learn
There are people in this world who believe in the Big Bang Theory. They believe that there was an explosion, and from this explosion, the world was formed. What these people fail to realize is that this world wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for GOD. They think that those who have faith and believe that GOD created the Earth are stupid for their beliefs. What they don't realize is that it takes just as much faith to believe in the Big Bang Theory as it does for christians to believe that GOD exists. But it's hard to believe that anything that blows up can create something. It's hard to believe that we evolved from a lower species. GOD stood on nothing and created something, and we were created in HIS image. HE said let it be, and it was. When HE spoke it, it was so. GOD spoke the creation of the animals, the birds, the fish, etc., but HE did not speak our creation. We have a personal relationship with GOD because HE took the time out and created us. We are not like animals, as we can communicate with GOD. Animals do not communicate with HIM. A dog may seem loyal to its owner, but it doesn't love its owner for who they are. It loves what the owner can do for it. GOD spoke instinct into animals. They don't have to be taught. Animals do not come to church to worship GOD, but we do. GOD knew that Adam could not be with an animal, so he put him to sleep, took his rib, and HE created Eve. And because of this process, man and woman are made to fit together. GOD makes no mistakes. Everything HE made was good. When Adam and Eve were together, they were in perfect harmony, and they were in good fellowship with GOD. They had everything that they could possibly want. They had it made. But then enters Satan in the form of a serpent. Satan was originally one of GOD's best angels, but he messed up, he was banished from heaven, and now he wants to destroy all that GOD has created. He is always trying to stir up mess. He knew that as long as Adam and Eve were together, they were close, they were bonded, they were strong, and they were one. So he bided his time and caught Eve alone. It's hard to fight the devil by yourself. He always strike when we are vulnerable, for when we are strong, we can tell him where to go. He loves to strike in those times we try to quit something. When we do, we have to get rid of everything, or the devil will raise his ugly head and try to tempt us. But we cannot let Satan get to us. We cannot get to a point where we can understand snake talk. We have to stay strong in GOD so that we can fight off the attacks of Satan. Amen!

September 02, 2012 - Subject: “Child-like Faith”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Matthew 11 : 16 - 20

Lesson to Learn
In this world, we have christians who have a child-like faith. Having a child-like faith is like having a selfish faith. A child possesses the spirit in which they want to have their way. A child feels that they are the most important person in their parents lives. Like children, christians who possess a child-like faith get upset when they don't have their way. When things are going good, they have to find something to complain about. They do nothing to make a situation better, but they sit back and keep complaining about it. But let them keep testing GOD, and HE will give them something to complain about. GOD has a way of making us just like HE wants us to be. Sometimes we question the things HE does. But just because we question HIM does not mean that we doubt HIS power. HE is still in charge. GOD will still make a way out of no way. HE has a way of making those who don't like you feed you, and then turn around and ask if you need anything else. We don't know HIS plans, but weeping may endure for a night and joy will come in the morning. Our days will not always be sunny, but that shouldn't stop us from praising GOD. There is no secret about what GOD can do. We just have to have a strong christian faith in HIM and not a child-like faith. We ought to thank GOD for what we got instead of finding things to complain about. HE will open up doors for us that no man can close. We don't need to understand what GOD is doing, as long as HE is doing what is best for us. And we must remember that it may take awhile and we may go through some things before GOD blesses us, but we can't rush HIS process. When we try to rush the process, it can hinder our progress. So let us not possess a child-like faith. Let us keep our hands in GOD's hands, and let us stay in HIS will! Amen!

June 24, 2012 - Subject: “If Your Religion Doesn't Change You...”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Acts 9 : 1 - 9

Lesson to Learn
We often get in the habit of doing things for so long expecting different results, but nothing ever changes. We search for help and guidance, we receive many messages and suggestions, but they never seem to change us. When we get to that point, we should realize that something has to change. If our circumstances hinder us from praising GOD, then we need to change our circumstances. If our religion doesn't change us, then we should change our religion. The definition of religion is a duty, or doing something the same way dutifully. It's a code of ethics. If the religion we have doesn't allow us to feel a fire inside, which the fire will not always burn, but if we can't feel a fire sometimes, then something has to change. We cannot say we have had an experience with the LORD and we don't change or feel anything. We should think about all the circumstances we go through. If our friends can't stand a little criticism, then we should change our friends. If the person we date hinders us and brings us no growth, then we should date someone else. If we can't feel anything in the church where we choose to worship, then we should seek another church. If we don't feel any progress on our jobs, then we may need to change our jobs. If any of our circumstances hinder us, then we need to make a change. When we have an experience with GOD, HE will place us in circumstances that will not only allow us to be tested, but once we go through it, we should have a testimony to tell others, because there is still power in the cross. There are three stages that we have to experience in order for GOD to help change our circumstances. First we must have an encounter with Jesus. We have to sit down and talk with Him one-on-one. Next, we have to receive His instructions and follow them. Sometimes we miss our blessings because we don't follow instructions. Finally, we have to change. We cannot stay the same after we've been in contact with Jesus. It just isn't possible. So let us remember, that if we don't change within our current circumstance, then we may need to change the circumstance. We should never let anything hinder us from praising GOD. And let us remember that when we have a walk with Jesus, we will change and everything will be alright! Amen!

May 13, 2012 - Subject: “The Gift That Counts”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: Acts 1 : 14

Lesson to Learn
When it come to gift giving, we tend to think that if the gift is big, elaborate and expensive, then it will be the one that will have a big impact on a person. What we often fail to realize is that it's not how big, elaborate or expensive it is. It's the little things that mean a lot. But regardless of the gifts we give/receive, we must remember that GOD gaves us the ultimate gift when HE gave us HIS only son, Jesus Christ. He is the gift that counts. We can receive all the gifts in the world, but they will only last for a season. But Jesus will be with us until the end of time. In this Mother's Day season, we don't have to shower our mothers with a lot of gifts. We can tell them that we love them, and we can show them that we love them, for it is the little things that matter. There is no love like a mother's love. Mary was with Jesus from birth, she was there when she and Joseph had to travel from place to place to keep Him safe, she was there when they hung Him an the cross, and she was there when He hung His head and died. Now that's love. That is why mothers deserve to be shown love, not only on Mother's Day, but everyday. We should continue to build up the little things. Once we sit down and think about it, all the little things we do will actually be the big things. So let us remember that it's not the big, expensive gifts that matter, it's the little things. And let us remember that no matter how many gifts we receive, no gift will measure up to the gift that GOD gave us, and that is Jesus Christ. For He is the gift that counts! Amen!

May 06, 2012 - Subject: “A Loyal Love”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Ruth 1 : 16 - 17

Lesson to Learn
For years and years, when it comes to the marriage of a man and a woman, the mother-in-laws always seem to get a bad name. But that is not the case in this story. The story of Ruth and Naomi teaches us that we have to be strong in difficult situations, that we can't let anyone turn us around, and that we have to hold on to what we believe in. But their story opens up on a sad note. Naomi had lost her husband, her son married Ruth, and then she lost him too. So Ruth had lost her husband, and Naomi had lost her husband and son. Usually, when the marital ties are broken, the extended families no longer communicate on the same level. In this situation, however, Ruth and Naomi, the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, stayed together, because all they had were each other. Although Naomi encouraged Ruth to move on, Ruth vowed to stay with Naomi, and that she would help to take care of the both of them. Now that's a loyal love! So although their story began on a sad note, it ended positively. Ruth's act was selfless, and GOD rewarded her for it. She got a job and took care of Naomi and herself, just as she vowed, and while working, she was noticed by a man who had something to offer. Sometimes, we get rewarded when we are in the right place at the right time. So Ruth, although presented with the opportunity to initially leave Naomi, she didn't let Naomi turn her around. We have to be in that same frame of mind. We can't let other people turn us around, which would stop the blessings that GOD is trying to give us. Let us remember that although things may start out bad, they don't have to end that way. And let us remember that there is no greater gift than the gift of a loyal love! Amen!

April 29, 2012 - Subject: “Missionaries are Havesters of GOD”

Sis. Regina Shoddie-Burch
Sis. Regina Shoddie-Burch
Guest Speaker
Scripture Reading: Matthew 9 : 35 - 39

Lesson to Learn
Missionaries should be harvesters of GOD. We must have a daily desire to show love and kindness towards others. We must realize that the smallest things we do to help someone is missionary work. To do missionary work, we don't have to go over seas to a country in need. There is so much work that can be done in our own community. If someone is hungry, we can feed them. If our neighbor is elderly and unable to do a lot of things, we can take out the time to see what we can do for them. We can look for opportunities to help others, because there are plenty of opportunities out there. Real missionary work begins outside of the church. When we leave church, we can't leave our Christianity at the door. And when we do work for others, we shouldn't do it to get praises and rewards from man. We should wait on the rewards of GOD. When HE rewards us, it will be so much greater than anything man can give us. Also, when we are doing missionary work, we can't do it for the wrong reasons. We can't help someone and then hold it over their heads when we need help. We can't look down on those we help. We have to remember that we have not been Christians all of our lives. So we have to respect others who are on their own Christian journeys. Doing missionary work is not the easiest thing to do in this world, but we must remember that when we do it, we are planting seeds, which we have to plant with compassion and water with understanding. So let us continue to do the work of GOD, for our reward is waiting for us in Heaven! Amen!

April 15, 2012 - Subject: “The Autopsy of a Dead Church”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Revelations 3 : 1 - 6

Lesson to Learn
No matter which church you decide to have worship service, the church is going to have some type of problem. As long as there are people in the church, there will be problems. In relation to the scripture, the church of Sardis was one of the seven churches who had problems. It had a reputation. It was well known. Every person wanted to worship there. It had everything going for it. So what could possibly be the problem? The congregation thought that they were doing right. Everything looked good on the surface. So what was wrong? Well, the people had left GOD's teaching, and the church of Sardis became a dead church. But what could cause a church to die? We know that autopsies are done after a person dies. The person has no feelings, no movement, can't say anything, can't stand up, and the spirit has left. The congregation of Sardis was the same as a dead person. They showed no emotions, they didn't move much, they didn't shout AMEN or HALLELUJAH, they didn't stand up when they felt good, and so the spirit was not present. There are two types of deaths, physical and spiritual. With the spiritual death, however, you can still walk around. But all is not lost. A dead church can be revived, but it has to want to be revived. In order for medicine to work, you have to take it. For us to get back in the spirit, sometimes we have to be broken. If our hearts are harden, sometimes our hearts have to be broken. And just like the church in Sardis, there are those who are in the church for the right reasons, so we must strengthen the little spirit that is left. We must train up the children in the ways of GOD before it is too late. We must remember where we came from and know that it was by GOD's grace that we have made it this far. We have to repent of our sins. It may be the hardest thing to do, but we have to do it. There are still people in chuch who are there to have church. And we must remember that when there is trouble in a church, it doesn't happen on the outside of the church, it starts from the inside. So let us work towards keeping the spirit alive in the church, for when we worship in a dead church, we will not find the presence of the LORD there. Amen!

April 08, 2012 - Subject: “HE is Risen (The Easter Message)”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Mark 16 : 1 - 7

Lesson to Learn
After JESUS was crucified on the cross, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus and several women were on hand to help get HIS body off of the cross. But where were the disciples? Where were HIS friends when HE really needed them? They were all afraid that they would suffer the same consequence and be crucified as well. Although they saw all the miracles that HE had performed while on the Earth, they still doubted that HE would do what HE said HE would do. What they failed to realize is that although HE allowed them to walk with HIM, HE really didn't need them at all. All HE needed was the right somebody, and that was HIS FATHER in Heaven. At this point, death throught that it had won. It had sunk to a new low. It had messed with the wrong person. It celebrated for 3 whole days because it knew it had HIM, for it had claimed the richest prize of them all, and that was JESUS. We all know that when death shows up, life has to leave. But on that morning, death was there and life showed up. So death had to get out of the way and reliquish its golden prize. When the ladies were on their way to the tomb, they wondered how they would remove the stone, for it was too large for them to move alone, but when they got there, the stone was already rolled away by an angel. But the angel didn't roll the stone away to let JESUS out, he rolled it away so that they could get it. For there is nothing that can hold JESUS. All we have to do is learn to let HIM in, because that would make things so much better for us. JESUS will help make us right for Heaven. When HE got up that morning, HE arose with all power in HIS hands. HE arose and showed us that new life begins after death. The people had doubts and didn't want HIM while HE was here, but after HE arose, they wanted HIM. So let us remember that we live because HE lives. We are here because HE is here. And we should be thankful that HE rose with all power in HIS hands. We don't have to weep because HE is not dead, for HE is yet alive! Amen!

March 18, 2012 - Subject: “In Order to Get to it, You Gotta Go Through It”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Mark 8 : 31 - 38

Lesson to Learn
In life, we can't get anything for nothing. There is always a price to pay. There will always be a cost. Life is not always easy. It is not filled with only good stuff. Bad situations always arise. We can be in church and before we can leave out of church, something could happen that easily makes us bitter. But we must remember that when this happens, GOD is getting ready to bless us. But before HE can bless us, we have to go through somethings. In order for us to get to where GOD is taking us, HE sometimes has to stir up a little chaos in our lives. Sometimes we mess up and think that everything that we have, everything that we have accomplished, everything that we do, that we've gotten, accomplished, or done on our own. But that is never the case, and GOD has to knock us down, bring us back down to Earth, and remind us that HE is in charge. Sometimes, GOD is ready to help us, but our pride won't let HIM in. To get to where GOD is taking us, there are no shortcuts or detours. We have to go through something. And while we are going through something, we need to get out of the way and let JESUS take the wheel. When HE is in control, we will be able to feel good when others are talking about us. That will let us know that we are on their minds. When HE is in control, we will be able to embrace hatred and also embrace the hater. People will talk about us and we can't stop them, but we can still feel good and keep our joy. And if strangers are whispering about us, then that means someone close to us is talking about us. But we should still be able to embrace the stranger and those around us who do us wrong. We should welcome trouble, because it keeps us close to GOD. So let us remember that we cannot get anything for nothing. Let us remember that in order to get where GOD wants us to be, we have to go through some things. And let us learn to embrace those who hate us, for they are only helping us to get closer to GOD. Amen!

March 11, 2012 - Subject: “Peter, You Got a Charge”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: John 21 : 15

Lesson to Learn
We know that although HE is not physically here, JESUS will always be with us. But before HE ascended into Heaven, HE gave HIS disciples a task. HE gave them a charge. JESUS wanted them to go out to HIS people and tell them the good news about HIS FATHER, our GOD. HE needed them to go out and tell HIS people that JESUS is alive and well. When JESUS first met HIS dsiciples, HE asked them to follow HIM, and that HE would make them fishers of men. HE wanted them to bring others to HIM so that they too could learn of the awesomeness of GOD. HE wanted them to know that HE, JESUS, had all power in HIS hands. Whenever we've had a hard night, JESUS will show up. HE may not show up when we want HIM, but HE will be there on time. HE will heal those who have faith in HIM. HE wants to help us receive the gift of eternal life from GOD. Just like Peter, we all have a lot of work to do, because there is someone out there who needs to know that JESUS is alive and well. We need to be prepared to spread the good news to others about JESUS. So let us take up the charge that JESUS has given us. Let us continue to walk in faith, and let us go out and tell others that JESUS is alive! Amen!

March 04, 2012 - Subject: “When Your Mountain is Larger than Your Faith”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Mark 9 : 17 - 29

Lesson to Learn
We all have mountains that we face on our day to day journeys. They can be small as a hill or large as a volcano. We overcome so many mountains, but what happens when our mountains become larger than our faith? What happens when our problems outnumber our belief? Well, we know that the Bible is filled with many stories that tell of the plights that people went through, and we know that it proves how good GOD is. We can't see GOD working, but we know that there is some kind of wheel that starts turning. We know that someone is working on our behalf. It's easy to believe in GOD when everything is going good in our lives. But what happens when our dark clouds become larger than our beliefs? When this happens, we have to get down on our knees and pray. We have to study HIS word and develop a closer relationship with HIM. We have to build up a stronger faith so that we can overcome our mountains. When the spirit comes into us, there is a glow about us. Even the devils around us will know if we walk up to them. Once we build up a strong faith, HE's gonna give us the courage and the strength, but that doesn't mean that we will be able to move the mountains. It means that we will either have the endurance to go around it or the strength to climb over it. And there will still be more mountains that try and block our paths, but they will only help us get stronger, they will help us to build a much stronger faith, and they will bring us closer to GOD. We have to pray everyday. There will be those days where we may have doubts about our situations. That's when a devil tries to get in us, but we have to learn to resist the devil. And when we get rid of that one devil, we can't get the big head and let our guards down, for that devil is merely a scouter, trying to see if it's worth sending more our way. So how do we get blessings? We get them through fasting and praying. So let us use our mountians to draw us closer to GOD. Let us take our eyes off of our mountains and put them where it counts, and that is on JESUS. And let us continue to pray so that our mountains will never be larger than our faith. Amen!

February 26, 2012 - Subject: “There are Still Feet that Need to be Washed”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: John 10 : 12 - 13

Lesson to Learn
In JESUS' day, feet washing was a sign of hospitality. To welcome someone into their homes, the owner of the house would wash the feet of his guest when they entered into their household. Although we don't literally have to do that today, there are still some feet that need to be washed. We live in a time when people are not as hospitable as they used to be. Some of us are happy living by ourselves and for ourselves, and we think we have the right to judge others. When lost souls come to join the church, we become detectives. We try to find out if they are worthy of being members, which is not our job. We tend to only want to show love to and help those who can help us back, but that is not the christian thing to do. We have to learn to wash the feet of strangers as well as the people we know. The ushers are not the only ones that have to show hospitality to those who enter the church. When the ushers sit strangers next to us, we have to embrace them and show them love as well. People come to church to find GOD and relief, but if they come into a church and can't find GOD, then something is wrong with the church. When a stanger walks into church, we should rejoice and be glad, and not turn our noses up at them. We should remember that with all that we do, GOD still puts up with us. So we have no right to look down on others. There are organizations in the church that should be feet washing committees and help raise the spirit of the church, but there are so many devils sitting on the pews. When one tries to rejoice, seven devils try to bring them back down. We should be about the business of soul saving. Whatever it takes to get people to know JESUS, then it is worth doing. There are still some feet that need to be washed. If JESUS can wash feet, who are we to think of feet washing as being beneath us. Feet washing is still necessary for 3 reasons:
  1. People are insecure. They try to focus on other people's business and problems and not their own, because they don't feel good about themselves.

  2. People have been too blessed. They think they are too much, they can't humble themselves, and the smallest task is beneath them.

  3. People need training. We cannot teach what we don't know.
So let us remember to be hospitable to all people. Let us show our love and help others. And let us not forget that there are still some feet that need to be washed. Amen!

February 19, 2012 - Subject: “Honoring Heritage”

Dr. Kathie Golden
Dr. Kathie Golden
Guest Speaker
Scripture Reading: Mark 6 : 32 - 44; Luke 9 : 10 - 17; John 6 : 1 - 15

Lesson to Learn
With everything that is out there in world today, its is easy for us to get distracted. We can easily lose focus on our goals and dreams. But we must realize that people in our history have paved the way for us to have the opportunity to achieve our goals and dreams. So we should be honoring our heritage. But before we can honor it, we have to know and embrace it. That way, we will be able to share it with others. We have to learn that, despite our current conditions, we have to maintain our dignity, and we have to instill this in the generation that follows. In honoring our heritage, we don't really have to go far. We have people around us who have faught and clawed for years, and they are successful people. We can use their stories as motivational tools to aid us on our roads to success. Greatness can come out of anywhere, but it is all defined by us. In honoring our heritage, we have to remember that people didn't die just for us to engage in the destruction of our own race. To succeed, we must show that we understand and embrace rules and regulations and know that all actions are not acceptable in all situations. We must realize that our attitudes can also kill our dreams. Most of all, we must remember that it is not over until GOD says it's over. We have to maintain self-control and at the same time, remember that GOD is in control. We can't determine if we will get knocked down, but we can determine whether or not we get back up. So if we have dreams, we should never quit on them. If we don't have one, then we should ask GOD for one. We should strive for a small dream, as not to stretch ourselves too much, increasing our desire to quit. If we've achieved our dreams, we should ask GOD for another one. We should remember that as long as we put GOD first, we can accomplish anything. Amen!

February 12, 2012 - Subject: “From the Dream to the Promise”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Genesis 37 : 18 - 20

Lesson to Learn
C.L. Jones, along with 4 other men and 3 women, had a dream that they wanted to establish a church in Greenwood, MS, the heart of racial tension in the south. Never would they have imagined that the church would have grown the way it is today. When the slaves built the White House, never did they imagine that a black man would one day occupy it. With all the monuments in Washington D.C., never would they have imagined that there would be a monument build there of a black man. So we are on the verge of living the dream, but we aren't quite there. As much as we advance in life, there are still some of us who are not satisified. We still have that crab mentality. When one of us tries to climb to the top to better themselves, the rest of us try to bring them down. So we have to work toward the dream. Some people think that if they get rid of the dreamer, they get rid of the dream. When Joseph's brothers tried to kill him, that thought that they would kill his dream. When they assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., they thought that they would kill his dream. But little did they know that their dreams were built on the promises of GOD, and that their dreams were not for themselves, but for others. It is always good to have a dream, but we must remember that everybody doesn't want to hear our dreams. Just as Joseph's brothers did to him, society likes to push us in pits that we often don't want to get ourselves out of. The young people today are pushed in pits by society. They are made to believe that dreams are dead, that they don't have to educate themselves, and that they can just go to school and get by. Society doesn't realize that GOD always has a plan for us. HE can use our pits for a purpose. So let us hold strong to our dreams, and let us not forget the vision. For they are build strongly on the promises of GOD. Amen!

January 01, 2012 - Subject: “Laying Aside Every Weight for the New Year”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Hebrew 12 : 1 - 2

Lesson to Learn
In order to have a happy new 2012 year, we have to make sure that we leave all of our problems, gripes, hatefullness, etc. back in 2011. There is no need to start off 2012 still hating people. We won't make it into Heaven with hate in our hearts. We have to treat each day like it's our last. This year, we can't afford to let people, things or situations get under our skin. we can't afford to listen to gossip, for gossip effects our spiritual growth. As dedicated Christians, we have to train in the ways of the LORD. We must continue to run the Christian race. We may strive to be the best, but we must remember that the race is not always given to the swiftest, nor the strongest, nor the smartest. But it is given to the ones who endure the race. We must also remember that the race is not won at the start. We have to be in the race for a while. This year, let us be mindful of what we do or where we go, because we can believe that someone is always watching. For this year, there are three things we need to do to continue our races. We have to get rid of some stuff and/or people that mean us no good, we have to develop patience, and we have to be focused on what is in front of us. If we lose our focus for just a split second, we can easily stray to the left or the right. We have to get rid of stuff that upsets us. Things that brought us down in 2011 and has made its way into 2012 with us didn't happen to stay with us on its own. We often hold on to what never helps us. Things hinder us, as well as people. They can hinder what GOD has for us. So we have to let it go. So let us remember to stay in the race, because the winner is not always the one who finishes first. Let us learn to appreciate the life GOD gave us, and let us be determined to finish our races by keeping our eyes on our prize. Amen!

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