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Past Message Summaries
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December 19, 2010 - Subject: “What to do When Only a Miracle Can Help”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Matthew 1 : 18 - 20

Lesson to Learn
As christians, we often forget that miracles exist. Some of us believe that GOD is real, but we often don't think about miracles happening. Some of us do not even believe in miracles. So what do we do when the only thing that can help us is a miracle? Well let us remember that things don't just happen. Let us realize that the people who come into our path do not show up out of no where. When we pray for a miracle, GOD gets to work. HE stops what HE is doing and arranges some things for our eyes to open. Then HE has to think if it is worth getting us up. When HE does get us up, it's a miracle. Then HE determines what we need as opposed to the things we want. HE removes the wrong people out of the way and places the right people on our paths, even if it's those who mean us harm. But HE does this only to get us ready to not only walk the path HE has plotted for us, but to also help us deal with what HE has put in place. And after all this happens, GOD steps in at the right time and gives us the things that we need, which is nothing short of a miracle. So let us remember that miracles do happen. When situtations get to the point where it seems as if there is no way out, pray for a miracle. Amen!

December 12, 2010 - Subject: “The Christmas Promise”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Matthew 1 : 21

Lesson to Learn
What is the Christmas promise? Until we know this answer, there are some things we cannot begin to understand. Without knowing the Christmas promise, we cannot understand the Old and the New Testaments. Until we know the promise, we cannot understand the Christmas story. Without knowing the promise, we cannot understand why we even exist. It dates all the way back to the fall of man when Adam and Eve ate the fruit off the tree in which GOD instructed them not the eat. GOD is always looking. HE hears and sees everything we say and do. And even after Adam and Eve disobeyed HIM in the Garden of Eden, GOD made us a promise. HE promised that HE would send someone down to save us, and HE kept the promise that HE made. HE, the potter, turned HIMSELF into clay, and HE molded HIMSELF into a mortal figure, whom we know as our Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST. GOD could have easily destroyed us, but HE left HIS own throne to save our souls. HE is always with us and HE fills our hearts with love. So let us remember the promise of GOD, and let's praise HIS mighty name for caring enough about us to come down and save us all. Amen!

November 28, 2010 - Subject: “A Powerless Cross”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Luke 9 : 23 - 25; 1 Cor. 1 : 17 - 18

Lesson to Learn
The cross has been used as a symbol for many years. People from all walks of life have crosses. They range from Christians to non-Christians, preachers to thieves, murders and so on. All of the different denominations use the cross in their church symbols. It can be found everywhere you go. But is it possible that a cross can have no power? Is it possible that a cross can lose its power? As Christians, we should realize that it doesn't take a cross to make you whole. You don't have to wear a cross to make you who you are destined to be. A cross still has power, but we must remember that it is the Man who was nailed to the cross that has the power. We must deny ourselves, we must pick up our crosses, and we must follow JESUS. HE has all power in HIS hands. And just as JESUS did when HE gained the whole world and lost HIS soul, we must realize that in order for us to gain something, we have to also lose something. For example, we gain wisdom as we grow, but we lose our youthfulness. No matter what it is that we desire, we have to make sacrifices to get it. So let us keep in mind that the power does not reside in the cross alone, but it resides in the Man who was nailed to the cross, and HE is our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. Amen!

November 21, 2010 - Subject: “Not Before; Not Even After”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Luke 17 : 11 - 19

Lesson to Learn
Often times, as Christians, it is hard for us to be thankful or grateful. People can do things for us, but we often do not offer any gratitude. As Christians, we ought to be thankful when someone does something good for us. We should also be thankful to GOD, for HIS grace brought us where we are. We don't deserve GOD's grace and mercy, but HE still sees fit to give it to us, and we should be grateful. We receive and we take, but seldom do we give. If GOD is a giving FATHER, then we should learn to be giving children. When we take and never give, we stop our own blessings from GOD, but we should always give and be grateful. Even when times seem bad and our situations seem worse, we still ought to be thankful. Be thankful for what you have and what you don't have. Be thankful for our good times, as well as our bad. We should practice being thankful before something happens. If you don't practice before something happens, more than likely, you won't practice it after something happens. So let us learn to be thankful and thank GOD from whom all blessings flow. Amen!

October 17, 2010 - Subject: “The Good Shepherd”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: none

Lesson to Learn
The LORD is the Good Shepherd. No matter what the situation is, we can always depend on HIM. Whenever we fall, HE will reach all the way down and pick us up. It is good that HE is not like man, because man will try to push us down and keep us down before he would help us up. We must keep in mind that we all have problems. That is when we need to learn how to lean and depend of JESUS, because HE is the Good Shepherd. HE is the same today as HE was on yesterday. HE walks with us and is always on our side. And let us not forget that we do not have to go through the vally alone. We can go through it with the Good Shepherd. Amen!

October 10, 2010 - Subject: “Praising the LORD”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: Psalms 150

Lesson to Learn
We often go through our day to day lives taking for granted the blessings that GOD has bestowed upon us. We often forget to thank HIM. But we have to remember to praise and thank HIM for all of HIS blessings. If we remember back to where we came from, think about what HE brought us through, and look at where we are today, we can't help but praise HIM. Some people think we should praise and worship man, when we really should be worshipping and praising the LORD. Because HE made all things possible. HE wakes us up in the morning and starts us on our way. HE knows what we go through and HE will bring us through it. HE gives us what we need and protects us from all dangers. So we should praise HIM for what HE has given us, for where HE brought us and for where HE leads us. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Amen!

October 05, 2010 - Subject: “Choose Ye This Day in Which to Serve”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: Joshua 1 : 8 - 9; 24 : 15; Matthew 28 : 19 - 20

Lesson to Learn
Who is it that we are to serve? Who is it that we are to put our faith and trust into? As christians, we often fall short when it comes to answering these questions. Sometimes, we put our worship in the things we have, and we sometimes put our faith and trust in man. We sometimes make the mistake in serving man, and we sometimes like to worship and give praises to the building in which we worship, but let us remember that we are not to worship man or a building or things. But we should serve the MAN who has all power in HIS hands, and HE is the LORD our GOD. When we come to church, we should seek salvation. We should be obedient to GOD and walk with HIM daily. HE is real and HE is a good GOD. HE blesses us when HE doesn't have to, but HE does it anyways. HE will fight our battles when we are in the right. But we have to make sure that our souls are cleaned. And after our souls are cleansed and we leave the church, then through our actions, we should show that GOD is with us. So let us make up in our minds whom it is that we should serve. Choose GOD, for HE is the answer. Amen!

October 03, 2010 - Subject: “Stretching Towards a New Mark”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Matthew 16 : 13 - 19

Lesson to Learn
We often get at a point in our lives where we get confortable with our present situations, and we become stagnant. We go from day to day doing the same things over and over again, and we are satisified with it. But we as Christians should not be satified with being stagnent, we should want to achieve more. We should always strive to be better on today than we were of the previous day. We should strive to reach new levels in our lives. In order to reach a higher level, we must have the right state of mind. We must be in the mind frame to want to set a goal and accomplish it. But the most important thing that we should make sure is that GOD is with us every step of the way. When GOD is with us, who can be against us? The gates of hell will try, but as long as GOD is on our sides, even it cannot win. So no matter what, we should keep working on improvements. We should keep stretching towards a new mark.

September 26, 2010 - Subject: “Never Under Estimate the Power of One”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Daniel 3 : 17 - 18

Lesson to Learn
Depending on the way you look at it, 1 can be a powerful number. If you rate something on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), then the number one doesn't look very attractive. But if you use it in terms of something vs. nothing, having 1 of something is better than having nothing at all. If you see a group of people and you know they are doing wrong, it is easy to just join the crowd, but you are powerful when you are the lone person who does not follow the crowd. It is not easy to stand alone, but you don't have to do what others are doing. And also, keep in mind that there is power in prayer. All it takes is one sincere prayer to GOD that will get HIM to start working on a situation and start putting things in place in order to bring you through that situation. However, you have to make sure that you are in good standings with GOD. You have to talk to HIM daily and not just when you want or need something. So remember that there is power in the number one, as long as it's the right one. And put your trust in the one, true and living GOD, because HE has all power in HIS hands.

September 05, 2010 - Subject: “What Do We Do When our Race Gets Too Hard to Run?”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11; Hebrews 12 : 1

Lesson to Learn
What do we do when our Christian race gets too hard to run? What do we do when we are at the point when we are ready to throw in the towel? When we are at this point, we must pay attention to the weight that is in our lives. Weight can stop our spiritual growth. But we must remember that weight is not sin. Weight is something that we can get rid of. It is something that we attach ourselves to, whereas sin attaches itself to us. Our hearts are originally pure, but when we get around those who have an impure heart, our hearts lose its purity. To make it in our spiritual race, we must use muscles that we don't even know we have. We have to use muscles that we've never used before. To find HIS soldiers, GOD looks for those who can run the race with endurance. HE looks for those who can run the distance. On this Christian race, you may get kicked, lied on, talked about, put down, or mistreated, but we can't give up. We are not running for man, we are running for the LORD, and our ultimate prize will be JESUS.

August 15, 2010 - Subject: “Do You Know Anything About the Shepherd”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: None

Lesson to Learn
A good shepherd knows each and every one of his sheep. He knows when one is missing, he knows when one is sick, and he knows each sheep's strengths and weeaknesses. A good shepherd provides his sheep with the things they need. He feeds them and nurtures them and protects them from all hurt, harm and danger. The LORD provides us with what we need. HE has raised the dead, restored sight to the blind, HE has healed the sick, and HE has fed the hungry. HE knows each and every one of us. HE is the Good Shepherd.

August 08, 2010 - Subject: “Renew My Heart”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Psalms 51: 10 - 12; Psalms 24

Lesson to Learn
Just as David needed to be restored, we have had times when we needed restoration. We've had times when we walked with GOD, and we've had times when HE left us alone because we did something that HE didn't like. But we are not perfect. We are not exempt from sin. Therefore, we sometimes need restoration. But when is GOD's zeal gone from a person? It doesn't happen overnight. It is a slow process. There is a slow leak in a person that eventually leads to them losing the fire. But that's when we need restoration. We need a good heart cleansing that can only start from within, because there is nothing that we can do that GOD won't forgive us for, that is, if we truly want forgiveness. So if the choir doesn't move you with their singing, if none of the sermons ever seem to fit your situation, or even if the sermons start to bore you, then it may be time to ask for a clean heart and seek restoration.

August 01, 2010 - Subject: “That's How We Roll”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Judges 2 : 10; Joshua 24 : 15

Lesson to Learn
As the times change, the generations also start to change. But there is one thing that will still remain the same, and that is the awesomeness of GOD. As we get older, we must train the new generation to seek and know GOD. But sometimes the generations before us may not have known HIM, so it is hard for us to train the generations to come to know GOD, because we are still trying to know HIM for ourselves. But some of us were blessed to have a generation before us that taught us about the MAN that sits high and looks low, and we can train the generations to come. That way, when people try to tell them that they will amount to nothing, they can tell them about the GOD they serve. When others say they can't, GOD says they can. So there's nothing wrong with rolling in our generation, but when the time has passed, we must work towards training the next generation to seek GOD, to know GOD, and to do the will of GOD.

July 18, 2010 - Subject: “You Don't Have to be Like Anybody Else but Yourself”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 8 : 1 - 7

Lesson to Learn
In life, children like to look at sports stars and entertainers to find role models. They like to immitate them and pattern their lives after them. But they must realize that they do not have to be like anybody else. Sometimes, children watch what their parents do as well, so parents should be careful of what they say and do in front of them. They should teach them to make others want to be like them instead of it being the other way around. But their are some points that children should consider:
  • Life is not fair; get used to it. There will be ups as well as downs. We should remember to always call on GOD.
  • The world won't care about your self-esteem. You have to learn that with GOD on your side, you can easily feel good about yourself.
  • You will not start out making a lot of money. Thank GOD for your beginning and pray that HE will guide you to bigger and better things.
  • If you think your teachers are tough, wait until you get a boss.
  • If you mess up, don't blame your parents or anyone else but you. Learn from your mistakes and move on.
  • You win some; you lose some. You cannot win every time. Praise GOD when you win and when you lose.
  • Television is not real life. We have real problems that are not solved in 30 minutes.
So we must train our children to keep GOD on their sides and to be their own person, and always remind them that they do not have to be like anybody else but themselves.

July 11, 2010 - Subject: “What if GOD Leaves Us?”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 4 : 1 - 4; 21 - 22

Lesson to Learn
We often take GOD for granted. Just as we can do for others, GOD can do things for us. But the more GOD does for us, the more we expect HIM to do. But what if GOD decides to remove HIMSELF from us? GOD can and HE will withdraw HIS spirit from us at anytime. When HE does, that's when Satan makes his move, but we should never let the enemy know when we are down. We should never let them steal our joy. We must continue to work hard for GOD and pray that HE will return to us and never leave us. We must not violate GOD's laws, as it is our contract with HIM. When we abide by HIS laws, HE promises to be with us always. So we must continue to work for GOD and not let HIS spirit abandon us.

July 04, 2010 - Subject: “Renew Us, O LORD”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Isiah 40 : 25 - 31

Lesson to Learn
Everyone gets tired, not only physically, but mentally, spiriturally, and emotionally. When we get tired, we forget to call on GOD, and we sometimes do things that are wrong. When we refuse to do what's right, GOD will send an enemy our way in order to get our attention. That's when HE begins the renewal process that will lead us to our blessing. In the scripture, we are compared to an eagle. GOD keeps us soaring through the air, and the Holy Spirit conforts us. Just like the eagle, we get to a point where we are down and out, and we are ready to give up on life, but that is the moment when GOD steps in, renews our strength, and we are ready to soar once again. All we have to do is hold out and hold on to GOD's unchanging hand.

June 13, 2010 - Subject: “Blessings of GOD”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Malachi 3 : 6 - 10

Lesson to Learn
There are two elements when it comes to cooking. You have your purities and your impurities. When you are boiling whatever it is you are cooking, the impurities float to the top. You then dip the impurities out, because if you leave it in, your dish could sour quickly. When GOD takes us through things, all of our impurities float to the surface. Some of us like to hold on to the impurities, therefore, we are missing out on our blessings. GOD tries to help us by removing the impurities in our life. These impurities can range from the things around you to the people around you. Also, things can become broken around us. We may take the item to one person, and they tell you that it can't be fix, but someone else can take it and make it look good as new. What this shows is that it doesn't matter what is broken, it matters who's hands are right for fixing it. We, like any item, can become broken. When we are, we sometimes run to the wrong hands. But we must remember that if we are broken, we have to run to the hands of GOD, because HE can fix anything.

June 06, 2010 - Subject: “Christians Need to Produce Good Fruit”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Matthew 21 : 18 - 19

Lesson to Learn
All fruit is not good fruit. If a piece a fruit stays on the tree or the ground too long, it goes bad. Just like the tree in the scripture, when things refuse to follow the perfect order of GOD, HE will move them out of the way. We can be like the tree as well. If we refuse to follow the perfect order of GOD, HE could move us out of the way. We have to be aware of trees that try to convince us that they have good fruit, because what may look like a good piece of fruit may not necessarily be a good piece of fruit. As we produce our own fruit, we must make sure that we are growing in the right place. The trees around us may not produce fruit, and it may make us think that we don't have to produce fruit either. We must be careful of the trees that can take in the nutrients of the earth but gives nothing in return. We must also make sure that we are not holding on to dead leaves and branches. These dead leaves and branches try to hold on and take in some of the nutrients, causing any good fruit we produce to become tainted. We have to produce good fruit, because one day someone may walk by in need of some fruit, and we will want to have good fruit to give them. So we must remember to always keep our fruit fresh.

May 23, 2010 - Subject: “I'm on my Journey Home”

Rev. William A Butts
Rev. William A Butts
Associate Pastor
Scripture Reading: None

Lesson to Learn
We often map out a strategy or a plan for our lives, but sometimes there are important things that we often overlook. The most important factor in our lives that we tend to overlook is that we overlook what it takes to be a child of GOD. On our journeys home, we must remember that we are the Salt of the Earth, that me must help to preserve all that is good. On our journeys home, we as Christians should celebrate joyful occassions. When our Christian brothers and sisters are blessed, we should celebrate with them instead of being spiteful towards them. Sometimes, we get off track and stray away from our journey, but as long as we keep GOD on our side, HIS love will guide us home.

May 16, 2010 - Subject: “I Saw the LORD”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: Isiah 6 : 1 - 8

Lesson to Learn
When we seek GOD, we must remember that no one can see GOD for us. We have to see HIM for ourselves. But it's not as simple as just seeing HIM, but something has to happen within us before we can see HIM. Our houses have to be in order and must be cleaned. GOD has to move things out of our way that prevents us from seeing HIM. It's easy to get sidetrack from seeking HIM when we get caught up in the lives of others. We see what they have and we lose focus on the fact they we are where we are because GOD has brought us thus far. So let us work on getting our houses in order so that we may see GOD for ourselves.

April 18, 2010 - Subject: “Where is Your Faith”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: Job 19 : 25 - 29; Isiah 40 : 29 - 31

Lesson to Learn
Sometimes we blame other people and situations on things that happen in our lives. We blame the streets for causing our children to act out, but we must remember that it must begin in the home. If a family lacks a strong faith in GOD, then that family cannot function. We are taught to love and fear GOD, but we often let Satan come in. When that happens, he messes up our minds. So we cannot let Satan enter into our minds. We must always keep our faith. We all go through problems and situations, and we all handle them differently. But at the end of the day, if we keep our faith, realize that GOD has all power, and remember that GOD knows our hearts, then we can accomplish anything. We have to put our faith in GOD.

April 11, 2010 - Subject: “Telling Our Story”

Rev. William A Butts
Rev. William A Butts
Associate Pastor
Scripture Reading: Psalms 48 : 9 - 14

Lesson to Learn
We all have a story to tell, but sometimes we are ashamed of where GOD brought us from. Some of us like to deny our past, as we try to head into the future. But we cannot forget that it was by the grace of GOD that we are where we are today. The LORD is great and HE is worthy to be praised. HE brings us through things and allows us to live our own lives, remaining by our sides at all times. So let us remember that no matter what we go through in life, if GOD brings us to it, HE will surely bring us through it, and we shall never be ashamed to tell our story.

March 28, 2010 - Subject: “After All I've Been Through, I Still Have Joy”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 1:1-4 and 3:14-19

Lesson to Learn
Sometimes, GOD sends trouble our way to make us who we are or who HE wants us to be. When we are in trouble, we should not focus on the situation, but we must focus on the ONE that can bring us through it. We must also realize that the devil has people out there who will try to steal away our joy, but if the LORD gives us joy, we can say that “the joy we have, the world didn't give it to us, and the world can't take it away.” So no matter what we go through, we must still have joy.

March 21, 2010 - Subject: “The Goodness of the LORD”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: none

Lesson to Learn
As Christians, we must learn what it is GOD wants us to do, and we must continue to love GOD and our neighbors. But before we can love our neighbors, me must first learn to love ourselves. Also, we must remember that JESUS has prepared a place for us, and that HE will one day come back for us. We have to always be spiritually ready, because we do not know when that day will come.

March 07, 2010 - Subject: “GOD Works in a Mysterious Way”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Isiah 55 : 8 - 9

Lesson to Learn
We all have our own perceptions of what we see as normal, but when we hear or see things that challenge our perceptions, we see it as illogical or as something that doesn't make sense. When we read about the situations in the Bible, logic plays no part when it comes to the work of the LORD. Just because we can't see the actions of the LORD as normal, we must realize that GOD's way is not our way. And no matter how bad our situations may seem, GOD can make mysterious things happen to turn our situations around.

February 21, 2010 - Subject: “When All Hope is Gone, There is Still Something Left”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Ezekial 37

Lesson to Learn
A church cannot function unless there is unity. If a church is disconnected from GOD and each other, there is no room for good things to enter in. Before some good can happen, the church must first come together. Once that togetherness is established, then the blessings can come flowing in. Also, as Christians, we get disconnected from GOD. Before good things can happen to us, we must first reconnect our relationship with GOD. Once the relationship is re-established, then GOD will pour us down a blessing that we would not have room enough to receive it.

February 07, 2010 - Subject: “Take the Time to Pick Up a Penny, Because One Day You Might Need it”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Luke 15 : 8 - 10

Lesson to Learn
As Christians, we should try to save one person who is lost, because one day, we might need them. We should also be careful of those persons we step on or walk over. GOD may place us in a situation in which our help may come from the very same persons we walk on or step over. And when one lost person is saved and recognizes the awesome power of GOD, we should rejoice and celebrate. AMEN!

January 31, 2010 - Subject: “Back on Track”

Sis. Nannette Jackson
Sis. Nannette Jackson
First Lady
Scripture Reading: Romans 17 : 18

Lesson to Learn
Many of us have made some sort of New Years resolution. For some of us, we may have already broken them and/or just can't hold on anymore and are ready to throw in the towel.

Even by now, we as the "Body of Christ" have made resolutions, plans for the year, and have visions of "staying on the wall" because we say we "have a mind to work".

As Missionaries we have already set meetings and made plans for the New conference Year in how we plan to serve, not just locally, but in hopes to serve on the Conference level.

In Romans 7:13-24, Paul wrote: There is a powerful struggle that takes place when we try to change our ways for the better.

Tips to getting back and staying on track:

1. When preparing for a train ride one has to rise early in order to not miss the train. One may rise early to make sure one is prepared and have the necessary items needed for travel.

Psalm 63: 1 says, "O GOD thou art my GOD. I rise early and I seek thee..." Spend time daily on a routine basis reading/meditating on GOD's word.

2. When boarding, usually there are some steps to get one in the train. Take your time and Thank GOD for every step you take. "Sometimes you have to encourage yourself".

3. When we get on board there are instructions from the conductor for guidance. This should tell us we need leadership when serving. Ask GOD to open your spiritual heart and mind to not only hear what HE is saying but that we will obey.

4. When traveling, some people prefer not to travel alone. We know now-a-days how dangerous it is to travel alone. When we are trying to stay on track and serving as missionaries, Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 says: Two is better than one because you have a good reward for the toil. For if they fall, one lifts up the other.

5. When we examine a track, there are tracks before us and behind us. We have to first be a follower and learn from our leaders. Also on this Missionary track, we need to be careful of the tracks we leave behind. We must ask ourselves if these are tracks of love, patience, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, temperance, faith, meekness.


We spoke earlier about the conductor. But I was told the conductor has someone leading him. He is called the Engineer. In whatever area we are serving as Missionaries, we have a conductor to give us instructions during church, bible study, Sunday school, missionary meetings etc. GOD's word wants us to submit to authority and pray for our leaders. Do know that there is a leader above all leaders. The greatest Engineer who orchestrated it all from the beginning. HE is King of King. HE Is Lord of Lord. HIS name is JESUS CHRIST!

January 10, 2010 - Subject: “What Must I do to be Born Again”

Rev. Frank D Willis
Rev. Frank D Willis
Assistant Pastor
Scripture Reading: Matthew 19 : 16 - 22

Lesson to Learn
There is a difference between being born again and having eternal life. When you are born again, something changes within you that allows you to deal with people and problems on the earth. We are all good, but we are not perfect. Sometimes, we can be in situations for so long, that we can get accustomed to them, but we cannot be born again until we are ready to let go of the situations. Old things (habits, issues, feelings, etc.) have to die before new things can emerge. And we will know when we have been in contact with JESUS, because nothing about us will remain the same.

January 03, 2010 - Subject: “Getting Rid of Yesterday's Weight”

Rev. Ray A Jackson
Rev. Ray A Jackson
Scripture Reading: Hebrew 12 : 1; Ephesians 4 : 31 - 32

Lesson to Learn
In order to have a Happy New Year, you must first have a Happy New 'You'. If we want to move forward into 2010, we have to let go of the weight from 2009. Even if it means getting rid of people that meant us harm in 2009 or ending habits that caused us harm, we must let it go. We can not expect GOD to come into our lives and bless us if our hearts, minds, and spirits are filled with 2009's burdens. So we have to drop the weight to move forward.

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